Results for 'Konrad Hugo Jarausch'

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  1. The Truth about America": Ein Kampf um die Seele der Vereinigten Staaten.Konrad H. Jarausch - 2021 - In Frank Bösch, Stefanie Eisenhuth, Hanno Hochmuth, Irmgard Zündorf & Jürgen Kocka (eds.), Public historians: zeithistorische Interventionen nach 1945. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
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    The Collapse of Communism and the Search for Master Narratives: Interpretative Implications of German Unification.Konrad H. Jarausch - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (136):59-75.
    After decades of Cold War stability, most participants experienced the collapse of communism in 1989-90 as an unforeseen “return of history.”1 The deep freeze of the Cold War made it seem that the East-West division had become permanent and that the best one could hope for was a gradual softening of the iron curtain. Repeated suppression of East European revolts by Soviet tanks and the failure of the communist parties in the West appeared to indicate that the domestic order of (...)
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    „Kryzys” we współczesnej historii i historiografii.Rüdiger Graf & Konrad H. Jarausch - 2021 - Civitas 22:17-49.
    While crises are omnipresent in history and historiography, the meaning of the concept of ‘crisis’ is becoming more elusive than ever. The authors scrutinise how historians use this concept with respect to contemporary history, the twentieth century and modernity in general. After briefly sketching the conceptual history of ‘crisis,’ the article addresses the questions of how the concept structures historiographical narratives, what types of crises historians distinguish, and whether we should retain the concept or refrain from using it, considering its (...)
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    Hugo Stinnes. Business and Politics 1918–1924. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (2):218-219.
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    Mensch und Tier Zum Problem der Objektfindung bei Ganghofer und Hofmannsthal Mit einem Jagdbilderbogen von Max Arco-Zinneberg.Konrad Heumann - 2005 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 79 (4):602-633.
    Graf Egge, der Protagonist in Ludwig Ganghofers Schloß Hubertus, und Andreas, die Titelfigur in Hugo von Hofmannsthals gleichnamigem Romanfragment, stehen in einer vergleichbaren Konstellation: Beide projizieren ihre vielfältigen triebhaften Wünsche, die sie in der Welt der sozialen Bezüge nicht ausleben können, auf die Welt der Tiere, die sie nach Gutdünken lieben, quälen oder töten, um so ihren Empfindungen Ausdruck zu geben. Darüber hinaus imaginieren sie sich selbst als Tiere. Schließlich bündeln beide Romane diese Konstellation in Schlüsselszenen, die auf dieselbe (...)
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    Benedikt Föger;, Klaus Taschwer. Die andere Seite des Spiegels: Konrad Lorenz und der Nationalsozialismus. 254 pp., bibl., index. Vienna: Czernin Verlag, 2001. €23.50. [REVIEW]Hugo Lagercrantz - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):719-720.
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    The Transformations of Higher Learning 1860-1930: Expansion, Diversification, Social Opening, and Professionalization in England, Germany, Russia, and the United States. Konrad H. Jarausch[REVIEW]George Weisz - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):575-577.
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    Los actores emergentes en los procesos constituyentes latinoamericanos y su impacto en el concepto de constitución.Hugo Tórtora Aravena - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:45-67.
    This article refers to the idea of Constitution, understood as a social contract. It is argued that the emergence of new actors in the Latin American constituent processes has made it possible to appreciate the Constitutions as increasingly complex pacts. It is not only a pact “between individuals” or “between citizens”, but it can also be understood as an agreement between cultures, between human beings and nature, and even between men and women. It ends by noting that, as new groups (...)
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  9. The rights of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
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    Naturaleza y ficción en la imitación artística: consideraciones desde Aristóteles.Hugo Costarelli Brandi & Mariano Fagés - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):135-158.
    This article addresses the topic of artistic mímēsis, and attempts to illuminate the contemporary discussion between two seemingly irreconcilable positions. The first, framed in a traditional interpretation of Aristotelian texts, considers the work of art as an imitation of nature, finding in it its only rule. The second, supported by a different interpretation, states that, according to Aristotle himself, artistic creativity is fictional, that is, independent of natural reality, and therefore debtor only of the artist’s subjectivity. However, when considering the (...)
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    Das Testament Arthur Schopenhauers.Hugo Busch - 1950 - Wiesbaden,: E. Brockhaus.
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    Grundzüge der Psychologie.Hugo Münsterberg - 1918
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    Academic Inbreeding: Academic Oligarchy, Effects, and Barriers to Change.Hugo Horta - 2022 - Minerva 60 (4):593-613.
    Most studies of academic inbreeding have focused on assessing its impact on scholarly practices, outputs, and outcomes. Few studies have concentrated on the other possible effects of academic inbreeding. This paper draws on a large number of studies on academic inbreeding to explore how the practice has been conceptualized, how it has emerged, and how it has been rationalized in the creation and development of higher education systems. Within this framework, the paper also explores how academic inbreeding shapes and maintains (...)
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    Does the Coronavirus Epidemic Take Advantage of Human Optimism Bias?Hugo Bottemanne, Orphée Morlaàs, Philippe Fossati & Liane Schmidt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    XXVI. Proklus als Quelle des Pseudo - Dionysius Areopagita in der Lehre vom Bösen.Hugo Koch - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):442-458.
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  16. Uwagi o dziełach p. Delisle. Do druku przygotował i ko­mentarzem opatrzył Henryk Hinz.Hugo Kołłątaj - 1972 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 18.
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    Some Clarifications about the Argumentative Theory of Reasoning. A Reply to Santibáñez Yañez (2012).Hugo Mercier - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (2):259-268.
    In “Mercier and Sperber’s Argumentative Theory of Reasoning: From Psychology of Reasoning to Argumentation Studies” (2012) Santibáñez Yañez offers constructive comments and criticisms of the argumentative theory of reasoning. The purpose of this reply is twofold. First, it seeks to clarify two points broached by Yanez: (1) the relation between reasoning (in this specific theory) and dual process accounts in general and (2) the benefits that can be derived from reasoning and argumentation (again, in this specific theory). Second, it suggests (...)
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  18. The language of pain.Konrad Ehlich - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (2).
    The expression pain refers to a phenomenon intrinsic to individuals. The object of the language of pain is restricted to an individual experience which excludes any form of direct access by others. Speaking about pain is thus one of the most difficult forms of linguistic activities, as has been repeatedly pointed out by Wittgenstein. The difficulties involved in this type of communication are not only dependent upon individual linguistic ability but are also clearly reflected in the state and structure of (...)
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  19. La influencia del catolicismo barroco sobre los fenómenos actuales de autoritarismo y populismo en el ámbito andino.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2011 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 28:7-16.
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  20. La necesidad de una teoría crítica de la modernización ante las realidades de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2008 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 21:6.
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    Retaining the philosophy of education in teacher education.Hugo McCann & Bevis Yaxley - 1992 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 24 (1):51–67.
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    A note on ramsey theorems and turing jumps.Lorenzo Carlucci & Konrad Zdanowski - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 89--95.
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    Saint or Politician?Konrad Eisenbichler - 2006 - Mediaevalia 27 (1):121-133.
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  24. Philipp Otto Runge in Dresden.Konrad Feilchenfeldt - 2008 - In Hermann Patsch, Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice & Wolfgang Virmond (eds.), Schleiermacher, romanticism, and the critical arts: a festschrift in honor of Hermann Patsch. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
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    Our Pigheaded Core: How We Became Smarter to Be Influenced by Other People.Hugo Mercier - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser (eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 373.
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    Urgrund and access to the Urgrund in Karoline von Günderrode’s discussion with the thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher.Hugo E. Herrera - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):378-393.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is among the philosophers who influenced Karoline von Günderrode's thought. Although this influence is relevant, it has received little attention. Both authors agree on distinguishing “spirit” and “body” or “the inner and the outer” in similar terms. However, there was a significant difference between them. In Schleiermacher's works that Günderrode considered (On Religion and Soliloquies), he conceives of the relationship as one in which the world or outer depends on the spirit or inner. For Günderrode, this relationship is (...)
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    Por una teoría normativa de la comunicación a la altura de los tiempos: ¿más derecho, más política, más ética? (A propósito de la publicación de La agonía del cuarto poder de Carlos Ruiz).Hugo Aznar - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    El artículo debate un ensayo recientemente publicado sobre la doctrina liberal de la libertad de prensa y sus retos actuales. En primer lugar, presenta brevemente el recorrido histórico de la doctrina liberal que hace el ensayo, así como los principales retos a los que se enfrenta hoy esta doctrina por los cambios en los medios. Y luego pasa a discutir con más detalle qué instancia normativa debería contribuir más a mejorar los medios. Mientras que el ensayo insiste en el papel (...)
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  28. Las musas como metáfora de la inspiración poética: las musas y el problema de la inspiración poética en la Antigüedad Clásica.Hugo F. Bauzá - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):115-130.
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  29. Justice and classical utilitarianism.Hugo A. Bedau - 1963 - In Carl J. Friedrich & John William Chapman (eds.), Justice. New York: Atherton Press.
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    Thinking and Writing about Philosophy.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1996 - St. Martin's Press.
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    La Palabra del Predicador.Hugo O. Bizzarri - 2006 - Mediaevalia 27 (1):65-92.
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  32. "Aristotelian Society, Proceedings of the". New Series Vol. II.Hugo Münsterberg - 1903 - The Monist 13:471.
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    A Principlist Justification of Physical Restraint in the Emergency Department.Hugo Hall & David G. Smithard - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):176-184.
    The ethics of physical restraint in the Emergency Department has always been an emotive and controversial issue. Recently a vanguard of advocacy groups and regulatory agencies have...
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    Litewskie zamki Słowackiego.Anna Kurska - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:145-160.
    The subject of this essay is the medieval castle present in Juliusz Siowacki’s literary works. I am interested in the ways оf its presentation, attempting to recall the climate of antiquity and the evolution of the picture of the castle. Therefore, I discuss the image of the castle created in the early works: the poetic novel Hugo (1829), the drama Mindowe (1832), as well as in the later works belonging to the so called mystical period: Wallenrod and Konrad (...)
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    26. Notizen zu »Der Wille zur Macht«.Hugo von Hofmannsthal - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 89-91.
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    Nova consciência histórica para o reconhecimento intercultural.Hugo Hruby - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):221.
    RÜSEN, Jörn. Cultura faz sentido: orientações entre o ontem e o amanhã. Tradução de Nélio Schneider. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014. 362 p.
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    Intelligence and Character.John Hugo - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (1):58-68.
  38. The city and the country: Books VII and VIII of wordsworth's'the prelude'.Francois Hugo & F. J. Hugo - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  39. Kröger, Otto, Die Philosophie des reinen Idealismus.Konrad Eilers - 1926 - Kant Studien 31:418.
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    Lehmann, Rudolf, Lehrbuch der philosophischen Propädeutik.Konrad Eilers - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2):425.
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    Alexandri Aphrodisiensis peripatetici doctissimi, In Aristotelis opusculum de sensibus atque de his quae cadunt in sensum, vel de sensuum instrumentis, commentarium de Graeco accuratissimè conuersum.Lucillo Alexander, Konrad Michael, Aristotle, Filalteo & Gesner - 1573 - Apud Haeredem Hieronymi Scoti.
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    Die regelmässige rechtsgemeinschaft.Konrad Engländer - 1914 - Berlin,: J. Guttentag.
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    Die Umprägung der natürlichen theologie in Religions-philosophie.Konrad Feiereis - 1965 - Leipzig,: St. Benno-Verlag.
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    Sujeto y subjetividad: la problemática de las alternativas como construcción posible.Hugo Zemelman Merino - 2010 - Polis 27.
    El artículo aborda el desafío de una conceptualización de la realidad socio-histórica que rompa con la separación entre lo real como externalidad y el sujeto. Lo anterior pasa por redefinir la idea de objetividad. Se requiere encontrar un concepto de subjetividad constituyente que no sea operativo por reducciones al plano de las variables psicológicas, pero que tampoco se resuelva como simple expresión de procesos macrohistóricos. Desde un punto de vista metodológico, realza el contrapunto entre contenidos teóricos permanentes y la transitoriedad (...)
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    Kapitel II: Wechselfälle der logischen Zeit.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 213-338.
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    The exaltation of David.Hugo Buchthal - 1974 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 37 (1):330-333.
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    El eurocentrismo como obstáculo epistemológico en las ciencias sociales. Posibilidades y desafíos actuales de la filosofía latinoamericana.Hugo Aníbal Busso - 2005 - SASKAB: Revista de Discusiones Filosóficas desde Acá 7 (1).
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  48. Los nuevos espacios democráticos y el exilio latinoamericano.Hugo Calello - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 5.
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    Being Easy to Communicate Might Make Verdicts Based on Confessions More Legitimate.Hugo Mercier, Anne-Sophie Hacquin & Nicolas Claidière - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (3-4):203-225.
    In many judicial systems, confessions are a requirement for criminal conviction. Even if confessions are intrinsically convincing, this might not entirely explain why they play such a paramount role. In addition, it has been suggested that confessions owe their importance to their legitimizing role, explaining why they could be required even when other evidence has convinced a judge. But why would confessions be particularly suited to justify verdicts? One possibility is that they can be more easily transmitted from one individual (...)
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    Die erdichtete Glyptothek: der Weg des Spätaufklärers David Friedrich Strauss in die Münchner Emigration.Hugo Meyer - 2019 - Wien: Phoibos Verlag. Edited by Michaela Fuchs.
    Das über das Bekanntmachen der von David Friedrich Strauss verfassten Glyptotheksepigramme hinauswachsende Buch schildert die Zeitumstände um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Süddeutschland und insbesondere in dem unter Ludwig I. aufblühenden München. Es veranschaulicht in exemplarischer Weise das über das eigentliche Fach des Verfassers, die Klassische Archäologie, hinausgehende breite Spektrum seines Schaffens.
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